Ministry team
The St. George Ministry Team is comprised of active members of the Parish: people who sing in the choir, serve at the altar, and teach Sunday School. Together we work under the direction of our spiritual advisor, Father Joel, to meet the needs of those who attend St. George. In joyous times and in difficult times, the Ministry Team is there to help: Coordinating picnics and festivals, spiritual retreats, and mercy meals. Anyone who is need of help is encouraged to reach out to our parish office, and we will put you in touch with the committee chairpersons.
Holiday Gift Drive
St. George Church is once again partnering with Hope-PHL to provide holiday gifts for their community. Hope-PHL provides housing, advocacy, and trauma-informed social services for Philadelphia children, youth, families and communities.
Attached below is a list of suggested gifts.
Please bring all donations to the church by Sunday, December 8,
to allow us the time to deliver them.
Attached below is a list of suggested gifts.
Please bring all donations to the church by Sunday, December 8,
to allow us the time to deliver them.
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